Thursday, January 15, 2015

Screw It

Feminism is stupid.

Let me rephrase that to sound more politically correct- The American idea of feminism is stupid.

This probably needs some explaining though. I’ve been struggling with this topic for awhile because I do not necessarily agree with everything I am finding and reading. I do agree with the idea of feminism, in fact I think everyone should agree with the idea or at least the definition of feminism, but it is the way that American women portray it that makes me mad.

I went on tumblr, a social media site that has a large number of active blogging feminists, and just searched the word feminism. At least 8 out of the first 10 posts supported my opinion that modern, American feminism is full of self-righteous, complaining supporters. The first post was a quote by Nikita Gill, a graphic designer and writer, that was angry about being called pretty because a woman is so much more than a nice face. The next two blamed the patriarchy and white men for their problems. One even went so far as to question the need to pay for feminine hygiene products when men can get condoms for free. Now I know that these posts are not what every single feminist believes in or is how all feminists portray themselves, but it goes to show just what is being put out on social media.  

All of these examples of posts are just women complaining about the “unfair” balances in their lives. Maybe I am just cold hearted and have not seen enough of the world to know better yet, but this seems like crap. Every race, gender, and social group has unfair factors. Our culture will never be equal. It is like a balance of life and human nature that people will always be on different levels of power. Take ethnic groups for example. African americans and muslims  are seen as criminals and are treated so harshly by our law. While there has been a recent movement for black equality, muslims still stay far behind in our culture. It is part of the balance and I really hate say that, but it’s true. Someone is always behind, but to be honest (because I am not being already) women do not have it the worst, especially white women who make up a large portion of feminists.

So these women complaining about their close to irrelevant problems, when compared to the rest of the country’s minorities, are the reason I do not want to support modern day, american feminism. Going along with the irrelevent problem idea, a majority of American feminists’ problems are miniscule compared to other parts of the world. While they are sitting behind their new iPhone 6’s, complaining about the privileged white man patriarchy and their need to buy an overpriced six dollar box of tampons, women are getting killed, stoned, and raped in their home countries for driving, going to school, and being seen in public without a man. These women are the ones that really need feminism.

I know, I know, it is the whole “I should not eat this hamburger because some child in Africa is starving” debate. I am not saying people should not complain about their problems because someone else, far away in an entirely different culture, has it worse. I am saying that if feminists really want to make a difference in the lives of women, they should start looking past our beautiful white sand beaches and take a look at war torn, anti-female countries. Those women need feminism. Those women have no rights. Those women need help and we, as Americans, can give it. In fact it should not be any different than our government butting it’s head into every world political matter. We are all women and we all deserve equal rights. We means American, British, Muslim, Indian, Kenyan and every other race and religion in between. Women always say they share an unbreakable bond with other women just because they are women. So it should be a no brainer that American feminists should focus their anger and energy into the governments and people that actually need it.  

So this is what I am going to do for my project. How and why the feminist movement has become so crazy and out of control, who really needs help, and how can we give it. Now I finally have a purpose, I have an idea, and I can go on with this project, hopefully anxiety free.    

P.S. this is a video I found while creeping around on youtube and it overviews what I mostly just ranted about. The man and I are one (when it comes to our feminism ideals).

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