Friday, January 9, 2015


In a time when I am seriously debating continuing with this topic, Emma Watson has become a shining light. On September 20, 2014, Emma gave a speech in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City to promote the new HeForShe campaign. During her ten minute speech she noted the important stereotypes around the word ‘feminism’ and future goals of the movement.

The first thing she did was define feminism and call out feminists that take on a role of “man-hating”. In doing this, she was able to bring people's attention away from the bad side of the movement and prepare them to look at the good. Feminism is not about putting men down to get ahead and Emma got this notion out of the way as soon as possible. Next she explained the events in her life that made her a feminist. These included being sexualized in the media as a teen and seeing her guy friends be unable to express themselves. The four or five reasons she gave setup the rest of her speech and one of the most important points, in my opinion.

This point is that feminism is not just a movement for women. It includes men too. The stereotypes that affect women have an equal and counter reaction on men. Women are emotional, while men can show no emotion and  women are submissive to their dominant male counterparts. Even though the idea is not voiced often, feminism is about ending these inequalities. Empowering men repressed from these gender roles is a goal Emma was able to successfully bring into the spotlight.

In the end of her speech, she brought in some urgency. This movement is not one that will see results quickly or soon. Right now it is a mostly social battle and in order to make progress, the public has to be on it’s side. Emma invites the public to be on her side, to take on a feminist role, because without that, nothing will ever get done.

Finally, she ends the speech with something that hit home with me. She says, “If not me, who? If not now, when?” This line calls on anyone to make an action and do something. It almost gives me motivation to pursue this topic because if no one talks about this, it will never be heard.

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