Friday, December 19, 2014

Is This Just Another Fad Movement?

Is feminism just another fad on a course to the inevitable silence and disinterest?

The movement of women’s rights has been going on for centuries, but came into the spotlight at particular, selective times. Women rallied behind it’s ideals and fought for a change, and most of the time, change came. They fought for education, the right to own land, vote and be independent. Women have come along way in society and, in most parts of the world, have the same legal rights as men. But now the goals of the feminist movement are unclear and widespread. With no clear cut objective, it has become a hard fight to get behind. Because of this, the feminist movement may just be a fad that people will become disinterested in.

Throughout history women have always received their rights directly after another minority group fought for theirs. In America, the women’s suffrage movement always gained energy and support after the world wars and the end of civil rights movement. It has piggybacked other pushes for equality because it has never had the means or unification to be by itself. Now, in the twenty-first century, feminism has grabbed a hold of the back of the gay right’s movement.

They LGBT community needed support and women gave it to them. Now the women’s fight has tried to take a shape of its own, but nothing is really coming out of it. The public see it as a plea for attention or a reason to bash others. There is no goal, making it hard to defend and keep alive. So this makes me beg the question, is this just another fad?

Will this movement die slowly and quietly, tapering off to eventually be forgotten about? No, I don’t think it will ever completely become silent. There is still gender inequality in some parts of the world, so that will warrant some type fight, but as for America and the western societies, feminism is probably just another internet sensation. The movement picked up steam over the summer and into early fall with Beyonce’s performance at the VMA’s and Emma Watson’s UN gender equality speech. These two celebrities made it almost cool to be a feminist. People jumped behind it because the two were and the animosity and power increased. Videos like the Potty Mouth Princesses and issues like domestic abuse and rape became more prevalent.

Now, as we are rolling head on in to winter, the movement is dying down. Not as many issues are in the media and the support is going down. There is nothing to be ‘angry’ or upset over. Interest is going down. All of this points towards the idea that this movement is just another fad. People will inevitably lose interest unless something happens to keep their attention.


  1. Even though the internet has taken the idea of feminism to more people than it ever could have in the past, I don't think of it as a new concept or fad. Take a look at artists and activists prior to Beyonce -- Joan Jett, Kurt Cobain, these artists stuck to their claims in the respective decades when they voiced their opinions. If you look more towards the impact of media on feminism, that might lead you in the right direction. Feminism has existed for decades, "underground" more or less, so why is it so vocalized today, and why are people still so confused on it's definition? Hope this helped, good luck on your project!

  2. Agree, not a new concept or fad. It has been around as long as there has been two sexes. Go back to Adam and Eve. There is a battle of the sexes.

  3. Oh, what about girls loving funny girl Genna Marbles, or Melissa McCarthy?
