Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Project Idea

Sooo senior project? When Mrs. Hetrick gave us the prompt of curiosity and nothing else, I hit a wall. Even though there was so much to choose from I could not think of one idea. Then, after realizing this project had to last all year and be worked on every week, I realized I didn't want to research something with a definite answer. I figured that once I found the answer, my project would just be finished. So, I decided to pose a question as my topic that doesn't really have a clear cut answer...

Why don't people follow their dreams? Why do our dreams change as we get older? What factors in our life shape what we want to get out of it? I don't want to research the images in people's heads as they sleep (every time I explain my idea everyone immediately thinks that). I want to research peoples goals in life. What do children want to be when they grow up? What do grown-ups want to do with their lives outside of work? And, most importantly, why don't they do what they want to do? The idea of people having a dream and fighting for what they want in life fascinates me. These questions obviously don't have a definite answer, and I don't expect to find one, but I just want to see how close I can get.  

Right now my head is a jumbled mess of ideas on how and where to start and what I want to do. So, as of now I have no idea how I'm going to start, but that can obviously be my first objective for this project. I'm excited to get started and see where this takes me.

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